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UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams


Try UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams for FREE for 30 Days to extend Microsoft Teams collaboration features to include pristine quality inbound and outbound calling to and from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams Over SASE

Why Juggle between Microsoft Teams and a separate phone system and tolerate decreased employee productivity and wasted money?

Why not give your employees the power to make and receive external voice calls from directly within the Teams client with Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams?

Solve Communication problems with UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams:

  • Poor User Experience - Switching between multiple applications can create a poor user experience for your employees, leading to inefficiency and miscommunication.
  • Lower Productivity - Separate communication systems introduce additional complexities in managing user accounts, licenses, and configurations.
  • Security Risks - IT teams must ensure each of your systems is properly secured, patched, and updated to keep your network safe from vulnerabilities.
  • Limited Integrations - The lack of integration capabilities between MS Teams and communication systems can hinder information sharing, leading to delays and errors.
  • High Parallel Voice System Cost - Managing separate systems requires paying more for licensing and subscription fees, infrastructure maintenance, and training.
  • Lack of Customization - Customizing separate systems and applications to work together can require hiring external consultants or dedicating internal IT resources.

Enjoy Benefits of UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams:

  • Easy Integration - Our cloud-native solution is purpose-built for Microsoft Teams, so you can say goodbye to integration issues and clunky third-party add-ons.
  • Cost Savings - Save on licensing and subscription fees, maintenance costs, and more by consolidating your voice and collaboration capabilities.
  • Automated Onboarding - Activate Cloud Voice for any size Microsoft 365 tenant in 15 minutes or less with our one-of-a-kind automated onboarding workflow.
  • Increased Visibility - Get full visibility into your Microsoft Teams voice service with our single-pane-of-glass management application.
  • Enhanced Productivity - Give your workforce all the tools they need to communicate and collaborate more effectively from directly within the Teams client.
  • Adaptability - We can adapt our flexible, cloud-native voice calling solution to accommodate your specific communication needs.
  • Flexibility - Empower your remote and on-the-go employees to work from anywhere using any device with our cloud-native solution.
  • Supported by Humans - UniVoIP expert engineers provide white-glove customer service – and our U.S.-based support team is available to help 24/7/365.

Listen To An Excellent Panel Discussion of "How Nonprofit Customers Maximize UniVoIP Cloud Voice over Microsoft Teams:"

Key Takeaways from the above discussion video, "How Nonprofit Customers Maximize Cloud Voice with Microsoft Teams:"

  • According to Gartner, Microsoft Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) has been the market leader for the last five years running, so, if an organization is using Microsoft Teams for internal collaboration, there is no good reason to use a third party phone system.
  • Microsoft has extremely deep discounts for nonprofit entities.
  • Extension dialing can be slow to be adopted by an organization but can be adopted much faster by an organization using Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams because extension dialing in Teams can be done by simply typing a person's name into Microsoft Teams.
  • Although some users are used to a physical phone, Teams can be adopted quickly by users because the chat feature is familiar to most users.
  • The Covid mandated work from home scenario was "a good thing" because new technology was adopted faster than it would have been if remote working was not mandatory.
  • Mission critical calls from people calling in from an application without a phone number can create issues in a first responder environment because the source of the calls requires research to identify. It is much easier to manage a system that has phone numbers associated with users because it is clear where the calls came from.
  • There are studies that show using one application is much more efficient that using multiple applications for unified communication such as a phone system in addition to Teams. The Teams client works well across multiple devices and increases efficiency while economizing resources.
  • Dropped calls can be an issue if calls are placed over an app that does not have a PSTN phone number associated with the call. It can take days sometimes to investigate the source of such calls.
  • Employees emphasize that not having a phone number can be a problem. By consolidating PSTN calling into Teams, in-house communication can be used as a tool that integrates phone calls with other collaboration features such as video and chat.
  • Users are more productive using UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams because a user's presence is available so it is clear if a person is currently available to handle a present need. For example, having a person's attention with a chat makes it clear a person is available for a voice call.
  • From a features perspective, Teams is on par with any phone system and also has features such as turning a one-on-one call into a conference call on the fly.
  • User productivity enhancements from using Teams includes (1) less down time, (2) less training, (3) voice to text translation, (4) clicking on voice mail to listen to voice mail, (5) integrated faxing.
  • The IVR speech detection engine in Teams out of the box is more sophisticated in that saying a person's name accomplishes a call transfer that eliminates the need for extension dialing.
  • Workers can be anywhere with no additional IT overhead because they have access to Teams.
  • From a work flow perspective, the translation from voicemail to text and transcription to multiple languages is advantageous.
  • Being able to read voice mail instead of listening to voice mail is preferred by most users.
  • Directory search decreased calls to the receptionist by 30%.
  • The auto attendant can be used to create call filtering strategies.
  • Managers like the manager's special for call queues. For example, calls can be queued better than on a traditional phone system.
  • More clients get through with the Teams Auto Attendant.
  • One client saved $120,000 per year by using UniVoIP Cloud Voice as compared to a traditional phone system with the added benefit of having more features in one package using Outlook and Teams.
  • Savings realized from using Teams brought a 30% price reduction as compared to using a traditional phone system and UCaaS for one client which would have been 50% if the client did not need to continue using some traditional phones given the receptionist environment.
  • One client saved $600,000 on phone system hardware by using Teams.
  • Besides SMS and fax, cost savings were realized on overhead paging.
  • A reception console can be used in conjunction with Teams for receptionist functions to handle large call volume. UniVoIP complements Teams in this respect.
  • Being in control of all phone numbers and paying only for the usage realized is a key benefit.
  • If users are more productive, there is less admin cost, and there is savings across the board using UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams, so why are entities continuing to use phone systems?  It does not make sense.
  • With Azure, using UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Teams requires only a sync.
  • In the Office 365 admin center, there is full transparency in the form of a health monitor that is very transparent with respect to reporting service issues.
  • Creating scripting to auto assign licenses by syncing AD and Azure.
  • Service control allows selecting multiple users to reduce ticket fatigue.
  • Setting up auto attendants and calling queues can be imported from traditional phone systems into Teams. Calling queues for transferring calls are assisted by search capabilities.
  • Challenges include providing headsets and cameras.
  • Programming extensions is interesting if using existing phones with Teams, but UniVoIP can help with this.
  • Extension dialing can be integrated to the point that people will wonder why they had to use extension dialing before.
  • Groups are interesting using Azure because users can now create their own call groups using Teams. UniVoIP can assist with this.
  • Advice to nonprofits for adding Teams includes (1) the deep discounts Microsoft offers to nonprofit entities. (2) The pricing is REALLY Good. (3) Integrate communications into one place. (4) Using UniVoIP Cloud Voice for Microsoft Teams is an enhancement especially with a lift and shift approach. (5) Prior Teams training is helpful. (6) Have an inventory of all of your phone numbers including alarm, fax, and paging numbers. (7) Make arrangements with voice providers to move the numbers over. (8) Ensure QoS is enabled with voice prioritized on the network. (9) Make sure you have your own internal project plan and set up a proof of concept. (10) Assign Temporary numbers to practice using the new system. (11) It's a no brainer using UniVoIP. It is really easy to use and the transition is easy. (12) The ports are easy if a client is a UniVoIP client.
  • In conclusion, UniVoIP's goal is to ensure its clients' desired outcomes and offers a free 30 day trial than can be access by clicking on the graphic at the top of this page. The trial includes assigning live telephone numbers. If you have questions, UniVoIP is there for you. Call UniVoIP who is there to help to make the transition easy. Microsoft is there as well to help.